Gem Lake Oil on Masonite 11" x 14" $950.00
Limited Edition, Canvas, Prints available 11" x 14" $75.00 + ship and handling
The Wall 18" x 24" Oil on Masonite Winner:
Heartland Artist,Reginional
Exhibit Popular Choce Award un-Framed Prints Available $85.00 + shipping & handling
DeFries Gardens Oil on Masonite 11" x 14" $500.00
Prints available at $75.00 + ship and handling
Autumn in Indiana 12" x 24" Oil on Masonite $750.00 + Ship/handle
On Duty Oil on Masonite 14" x 18" $500.00
Prints available at
$75.00 + ship and handling

Zocolo Acapulco, Mexico 14" x 18" Oil on Masonite $650.00 Prints available @ $75.00 + Ship & Handle
2013 Garden Walk Plein Air Painting 12" x 12" oil on masonite
Prints available for $75.00 + ship & Handle

River Walk 8" x 10" oil on masonite $200.00 original Prints available for $75.00 + ship & Handle
Pelican Island 16" x 20" Oil on Masonite Original: $350 + ship/hndl Prints: $75.00 + ship/Hndl

3 rd. Rock 16" x 20" Oil
on Masonite Original: $350 +ship/hndl Print: $75 + ship/hndl
The Habitat 12" x 12" Oil on Masonite Original: $350 + ship/hndl Prints: $75.00 + ship/Hndl

The Gathering 16" x 20" Oil on Masonite Original: $350 +ship/hndl Print:
$75 + ship/hndl
Winter's Peace 12" x 12" Oil
on Masonite Work in Progress Original: $350 +
ship/hndl Prints: $75.00 + ship/Hndl

A Star is Born 16" x 20" Commissioned Oil on
Masonite Print: $75
+ ship/hndl